Cartage Fuel Surcharge Adjustment Factor

Please find below our latest adjustments for Cartage Fuel Surcharge effective 1st September 2022:

AustraliaEffectiveAdjusted FSC
All States and Territories excl. NSW1/09/202225.68%
New ZealandEffectiveAdjusted FSC
All Regions1/09/202223.00%

New Zealand FCL Empty Booking Fee

Please note that we have been notified by our cartage partners that empty booking fees and associated booking costs across the empty depots are increasing from the 1st September 2022.

The depots state the following reasons for the increases:

  • Investment in new machinery and infrastructure
  • Systems upgrades
  • Inflation
  • CPI Adjustments

Unfortunately, we cannot absorb these increases.

From 1st September Empty Booking Fee will be increased by $15.00 per CN.

Should you require any further information, please reach out to your local Kerry Representative.