As the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug season approaches, Australia’s seasonal measures for BMSB for 2023-2024 are now confirmed.

What’s New

1 August 2023

  • New Master Consolidator (MC) Declaration Portal
  • Updated Master Consolidator User Guide for new MC Declaration Portal
  • Addition of Uzbekistan to the Target Risk Country List
  • Creation of BMSB Frequently Asked Questions webpage

Seasonal measures for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)

BMSB seasonal measures will apply to targeted goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries, that have been shipped between 1 September and 30 April (inclusive), and to vessels that berth, load, or tranship from target risk countries within the same period.

Note: The shipped-on-board date, as indicated on the Ocean Bill of Lading, is the date used to determine when goods have been shipped. “Gate in” dates and times will not be accepted to determine when goods are shipped.

[DAFF] review the measures throughout the season and may make necessary adjustments based on detections of BMSB and changes in the risk pathways.

The following countries have been identified as emerging risk countries for the -BMSB risk season and may be selected for a random onshore inspection: United Kingdom and China

  • China – random inspections will apply to goods shipped between 1 September to 31 December (inclusive)
  • United Kingdom – random inspections will apply to goods shipped between 1 December to 30 April (inclusive)
  • In addition to the target high-risk goods, chapters 39, 94 and 95 will be subject to random inspections for emerging-risk countries only. 

See the full measures HERE