Please be advised of significant congestion and truck turnaround delays at DP World’s West Swanson Terminal (WST) in Melbourne over the past few weeks. These delays have been impacting landside operations, leading to extended truck turnaround times and challenges in meeting import and export volume demands.

Key Details:

  • Truck Delays:
    Transport operators have been experiencing several hours of delay in truck turnaround times, affecting the ability to meet both export cut-off times and import deliveries to customers.
  • Causes of Delays:
    DP World has attributed the delays to vessel “bunching,” schedule volatility, and limitations in labour and equipment resources when demand fluctuates. This has been compounded by unexpected labour shortages.
  • Fee Waivers:
    DP World has waived truck “no-show” and “wrong zone” fees incurred by carriers between Monday, 7 October 0600 hrs and Thursday, 10 October 2200 hrs due to increased truck turn times.
    However, this does not address penalty fees incurred at other terminals as a result of delays at DP World, nor the additional operational costs such as labour, overtime, and truck waiting time incurred by transport operators.
  • Stack Run Adjustments:
    To alleviate pressure, DP World has implemented new Stack Run Guidelines on a one-month trial basis. These guidelines aim to reduce reliance on the Vehicle Booking System (VBS) by allowing earlier export runs and extending import runs, providing transport operators with more flexibility during operations.

Next Steps:

DP World has emphasized its commitment to improving landside operations by investing in infrastructure and technology. Transport operators are encouraged to discuss any additional charges, such as truck waiting time, with their customers due to the ongoing congestion.

For further details, please review the updated Stack Run Guidelines and related information here: DP World WST Stack Run Guidelines.