We have received further updates today from the DP World Fremantle on the protected industrial action.

Please see below:

DPW Fremantle:

From Monday 30th October (0600 hours) – Bans begin for:

  • Stoppages of work of 2 hours duration commencing at 0400, 1200 and 2000 each day starting from Mon 30th October at 1200 until Mon 6th November at 0600 hours.
  • Any work on ships for 8 hours after berthing
  • Attending work when called past usual notification time
  • Overtime
  • Shift extensions
  • Work on subcontracted vessel

From Friday 3rd November (0600 hours) and finishing on Saturday 4th November (0600 hours) bans include:

  • Loading or unloading trucks and trains (receival and delivery of containers)

We will continue to monitor the situation and as always, we will notify you of any impacted deliveries.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Kerry representative.