We want to update you on the current operational situation in Bangladesh due to the heavy rains and flooding, particularly in Chittagong. The adverse weather conditions have significantly impacted cargo operations across the country, including the Chittagong Port Authority (CPA).

Current Operational Status:

  1. Discharging and Delivery Operations:
    • Discharging Operations: Slower than usual due to adverse weather conditions and limited container yard (CY) space.
    • Delivery Delays: The Dhaka-Chittagong highway is currently submerged, halting vehicle movement and causing significant delays in cargo deliveries.
    • Export Operations: While export movements continue, they are proceeding slowly, particularly from off-dock locations.
  2. Yard Occupancy and Space Utilization:
    • Import CY stock remains over-utilized across terminals (GCB/CCT/NCT).
    • ICD space is in crisis, with the following occupancy rates:
      • FCL: 75%
      • ICD: 119%
      • LCL: 38%
      • Overall Occupancy: 73%
  3. Vessel Occupancy and Waiting Times:
    • Currently, 17 container vessels and 6 other GI/Bulk vessels are docked.
    • Average Waiting Times:
      • Geared vessels: 4-5 days
      • Gearless vessels: 5-6 days
    • Port Stay: The average port stay for vessels is between 3-4 days.

Land Transport and Depots:

  1. Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (N1): Severe traffic congestion, especially around the 65-kilometer mark, has left vehicles stationary for days. The damaged Lemuya bridge over the Sylona River in Feni has completely disrupted road communication.
  2. South-Eastern Region Transport: The transport system has broken down, severely affecting cargo movements.
  3. Cargo Reception from Dhaka: The reception of cargo from the Dhaka region, particularly from the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) sector, is heavily compromised.

Inland and Intermodal Transport:

  • Barge and Rail Services: Both barge and rail services have been suspended due to the adverse conditions, further impacting cargo movement within the country.

For more detailed updates, you can check the following news articles:

We are closely monitoring the situation and will keep you updated on any further developments.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Kerry representative.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.