Yesterday afternoon, the InterIslander ferry Aratere collided with the dock and link span while berthing in Wellington. This incident has caused damage to both the ferry and the dock ramp, which is essential for vehicle access to the vessel. Consequently, all InterIslander ferry sailings have been canceled from yesterday afternoon and will remain so until at least tomorrow.

Furthermore, with the Kaitaki still in dry dock, the InterIslander fleet is now reduced to a single vessel, which will significantly strain this route.

Around 50% of the freight sent from Auckland on Wednesday has successfully reached the South Island. However, some freight is currently delayed. We aim to recover the remaining freight over the weekend and plan to deliver it as soon as possible on Monday.

We have arranged alternative transportation for today’s freight to ensure it continues moving smoothly.

We will continue to monitor the situation, and as always, we will notify you of any impacted deliveries. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.