Further to our notice earlier today, Svitzer Australia has just released an update saying that a hearing in the Fair Work Commission (FWC) on whether or not to suspend or terminate the current protected industrial action will proceed from 1pm AEDT tomorrow, 17 Nov.

Most parties acknowledged in the FWC today that the lockout will cause significant economic harm.

The Full Bench will hear the current dispute on Thursday and Friday morning, if necessary.

The FWC indicated that the intention is for a decision to be made for the matter to be concluded before the commencement of the lockout at 12pm AEDT, Friday 18 November.

In the meantime, it is important to note that all protected industrial action (including the lockout) remains in place. This includes extensive and ongoing industrial action already notified by the unions.

We will provide further updates in due course. If you have any concerns, please reach out to your local Kerry Representative.