Further to our recent notice, while our Auckland facility has been unaffected, we are seeing pick-up and delivery delays in servicing the below areas due to road closures and flooding. The length of the delays is currently unknown and will depend on how quickly certain roads can be reopened.

  • North Shore Auckland
  • West Auckland
  • Whangarei
  • Coromandel

Due to recent weather conditions, empty container depots in Auckland are also experiencing a backlog. Below is a list of current booking availability.

  • Metrobox: All the bookings for the week are gone, and we are waiting for Tuesday’s availability to drop.
  • Savill Drive: Only night shift bookings remain for the week, and we are waiting for Tuesday’s availability to drop.
  • UCL: Currently not releasing any bookings until further notice.
  • FCT/LINK: Only a select few bookings on Friday remain for the week.
  • MCP: Slots available.
  • CRS: Slots available.

We foresee this to be a challenge over the coming weeks despite the finer weather around the corner.