As you may be aware, Brisbane is currently experiencing torrential rain and devastating flooding, which has surpassed the severity of the 2011 Brisbane floods.

People across the region have had their houses destroyed and many businesses have closed until further notice. With Supply Chain constraints, Brisbane has very limited access to essential necessities or have been cut off completely

Houses have been destroyed across the region, and numerous businesses have closed until further notice, leaving Brisbane with very limited access to essential necessities.

Road Closures:

Inevitably the flooding in Southeast QLD and caused many road closures. Our transport partners are assessing if they are able to complete deliveries. If you or your clients will be closed tomorrow due to access or staff shortage, we would appreciate it if you could please let your local Kerry Representative know.

Port of Brisbane:

Below are the current impacts of this flooding crisis in relation to the Port of Brisbane:

Operational Update and Next 24 hours

  • Currently, the Regional Harbour Master (RHM) has declared no movements in and out of the Port. However, this is being reviewed on a case-by-case basis in the first instance
  • PBPL will begin surveying critical navigational areas, including the channel, swing basins and berth pockets, as soon as it is safe to do so this morning (under the direction of the RHM)
  • PBPL is also working with the RHM on a plan to remove debris in and around waterside infrastructure

Landside access

  • There is an element of minor/superficial damage on a number of port roads, across all precincts
  • PBPL’s Infrastructure Team is assessing damage this morning
  • It’s understood there are no access limitations on port roads at the moment
  • There are no rail movements in and out of the BMT due to broader rail network issues, however the BMT itself remains operational.

Our thoughts are with QLD and northern NSW residents during this challenging time.