Please note we are still experiencing delays for all air freight collections arriving through the Qantas terminal nation-wide, however there has been noticeable improvements in Brisbane and Perth recently.

Qantas have reported that export air is continuing towards normal operations, however import air is still an on-going work in progress as they deal with severe backlogs in Sydney and Melbourne in particular.

Please see below the most recent update from Qantas:

“We’re currently on target to clear import backlogs in Sydney by 19 Oct 2023 and Melbourne by 21 Oct 2023. Brisbane is processing small volumes of loose freight which will be cleared once break down is completed. Loose freight in other ports is being processed based on commodity, with priority given to urgent shipments.

Customers are reminded that some import freight arriving during the initial cutover phase in late Sep 23 has yet to be processed and tracking information available online may be inaccurate. We understand how important this freight is, so we are adding resources to support clearance of these aging imports and will be contacting customers once the freight has been located, processed and reconciled which is necessary for invoicing accurately.

We’re clearing more of the backlog each day which is helping to process the newer freight volume more effectively, so thank you for your continued support.

Further information is available via the Qantas Freight website HERE

Realistically, we are expecting there to be continued delays in Brisbane untill the end of this week however this is a step in the right direction. In the interim, some airlines will utilise alternate ground handling agents in Sydney and Melbourne while Qantas works through their previous volumes to avoid further delays.

We will continue to keep you updated with any developments as they come through, thank you Further updates will be shared once available. In the meantime, if you have questions or need more information, please contact your local Kerry representative.